Building An Inclusive Church: A Welcoming Toolkit
(format: free-download)
Click here to download the Building an Inclusive Church: A Welcoming Toolkit.
This is THE go to resource for starting your congregation’s journey toward Open & Affirming.
This updated version of the Toolkit draws upon decades of experience within a variety of Christian denominations. The Toolkit is a step-by-step guide to help facilitate an Open & Affirming process in your local congregation. Biblically and theologically based, it uses tools of relational organizing, congregational assessment, conflict management and change theory. The outlined process emphasizes approaching the process from a place of graceful engagement, building relationship, and understanding your congregation and its unique needs. Including are tools for listening and sharing stories, as well as resources on biblical engagement and sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.
Alongside the Toolkit, Disciples congregations will find the Companion to the Building an Inclusive Church Toolkit for Disciples of Christ Congregations useful.
There is also an online introduction to the Toolkit available here (based on an older version of the Toolkit).
Also, from time to time there are trainings offered. These will be listed on the Alliance Calendar here.
If you are considering an Open & Affirming process for your congregation, check out these pages
The Welcoming Journey : How any congregation can take another step toward widening the welcome
Becoming Open & Affirming : Guidelines from AllianceQ to be listed on our list of O&A Ministries.
The Journey to Become O&A : A suggested process.
If you would like paper copies of the Toolkit, we can ship 5 copies to you for $30. This is cheaper than having them printed at a print shop and cheaper than a new print cartridge for your computer. Contact to order.