
Upcoming Trainings on Becoming Open & Affirming

Upcoming Trainings on Becoming Open & Affirming

Many congregations in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) affirm LGBT people on some level. There may be same gender couples sitting in the pews, even openly LGBT people in church leadership. But no one knows how to begin the conversation about openly affirming the welcome of everyone, LGBT people included.

Welcoming openly is important. An open, affirming welcome saves lives. Without welcoming openly, your neighbors will wonder if you’re just another one of those homophobic congregations that they see on T.V. all the time.

That’s where Building and Inclusive Church Trainings come to the rescue!

The Building and Inclusive Church Toolkit is THE resource offered by GLAD. The toolkit shows how to gather information about the congregation, build community, and design an Open & Affirming process that will bring more welcome and affirmation to the church.

To make best use of the Toolkit, trainings are offered around the country for church members who are interested in leading a congregational O&A process. These trainings are listed on GLAD’s calendar. Currently trainings are scheduled for Michigan, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Check back often: New trainings are added all the time.

Click here for more information about becoming Open & Affirming.

Click here for more information about making use of GLAD’s resources.