
Transparent Budgeting: AllianceQ needs additional support to meet budget and fulfill mission

Transparent Budgeting: AllianceQ needs additional support to meet budget and fulfill mission

This ministry is primarily funded by gifts from individuals and congregations, by you.

Along with your gifts, AllianceQ receives one major grant from the Carpenter Foundation. Due to “unsettled economic conditions and the depressed state of the stock market, the Foundation substantially reduced grant awards and did not fund grants that under different circumstances would have been funded.” We are so very grateful that AllianceQ will receive $20,000 for 2023, but this is only half of our award in 2022.

2023 marks the 10th anniversary of our church’s resolution to “Become a People of Welcome and Grace to All” (GA-1327). It has been four years since GA-1929, “An Invitation to Education for Welcoming and Receiving the gifts of Transgender and Gender Diverse-People.” We are renewing our commitments and taking action to build up the kindom of God within us and among us. And this year will be a full year! Expenses are greater because of the General Assembly and our growing ministry.

In complete transparency, we need additional support to meet our budget and fulfill our mission.

Will you maintain–or increase–your annual giving and contribute to our spring special appeal? “Make a Difference by Making Up the Difference” seeks to raise $20,000 that was previously contributed by the Carpenter Foundation. We hope you will increase your support in 2023.

There are many ways you can make a difference and support the Alliance:

  • Increase your individual or household giving;
  • Maintain your annual giving and make a one-time or quarterly contribution to the “Make a Difference by Making Up the Difference” special appeal;
  • Invite a friend, family member or church member to donate to AllianceQ;
  • Urge your faith community to include AllianceQ in its annual giving;
  • Collect a special offering from your church or small group;
  • Participate in our activities;
  • Share our news and activities within and through your networks;
  • Pray for our ministry, for Disciples Justice Ministries, and for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

We honor the range of resources within our diverse community and emphasize that you are a gift. Every body in this Body is a gift. Thank you for all the ways you support AllianceQ and embody God’s expansive love. Let your light shine. You are made of the colors of hope.

Hopeful and Grateful,

Rev. Melissa Guthrie, Executive Director + Minister


-Mail gifts to AllianceQ, P.O. Box 44400, Indianapolis, IN 46244

-Increase your giving by making changes in your PayPal account

Donate to the “Make a Difference by Making Up the Difference” special appeal online here or by mail with “Making Up the Difference” in the memo

-Explore fund transfers, gifts of stock, or estate gifts with our Executive Director + Minister

-Volunteer! If you have expertise in finance or development and may be able to serve on or support our Finance + Development Team, email