
Ash Wednesday Eve service: Spread Love Like Glitter!

Ash Wednesday Eve service: Spread Love Like Glitter!

You are invited to Spread Love Like Glitter!

Hosted in partnership with Parity, Intl.

Spread Love Like Glitter will be a safe, fun, affirming space for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies to connect and prepare to enter the Lenten season. A brief program will include musical performances, celebration and confession, glitter ashes and anointing. Fellowship will follow with opportunities for large and/or small group connection and conversation.

Sign up for the Spread Love Like Glitter event. The deadline has passed to receive glitter ashes by mail but you can make your own glitter ashes. Glitter ashes are not required to participate. Water or oil can be used during the service.

About Glitter+Ashes

From our siblings at Parity, a faith-based organization headquartered in NYC that builds bridges across the LGBTQ+ and faith divide:

“Glitter is like love. It’s irresistible and irrepressible. Ashes are a statement that death and suffering are real.

Glitter is a sign of our hope, which does not despair. Glitter signals our promise to repent, to show up, to witness, to work.

Ash Wednesday is a day when Christians receive the mark of the cross on their foreheads to begin the 40 days of reflection and repentance in preparation for Easter.

Glitter Ashes lets the world know that we are progressive, queer-positive Christians. We are in the pews, in the pulpits and giving glitter ashes in the street to those who either may not have time to go to a church—or may have been rejected by a church.”

Parity has made available a range of resources, church and street liturgies, event ideas, theological talking points, and a how-to on making your own glitter ashes.

Join us. Support Us.

Register for the February 21 virtual event now.

Can’t join us but want to support us? Donate now to fund this event and support the ministries of AllianceQ and Parity, Intl.