
Election of Council Members and Proposed Amendment to Design

Election of Council Members and Proposed Amendment to Design

This year’s voting ballot has two elements: the election of Council members and the adoption of a resolution to amend the Design and Covenant of the Alliance. The organization’s bylaws stipulate that a Nominations Team will present candidates for members to elect as Council leaders. If a Council position is unfulfilled for its given term, the Council may appoint an individual to finish that term. There are TWO positions open for the Council and one individual has been appointed to finish a separate term. The bylaws also require “a consensus or two-thirds vote of the Alliance members present” to amend the Design. 

Vote by October 13, 2023. Your voting key is your last name and city name with no spaces. Capitalization does not matter. If you are a current member and have questions about the 2023 Ballot, please email Not sure if you’re a member with AllianceQ? Renew or become a member here. (Every contribution of any amount initiates a membership. Thank you for your support in this way and in the many ways you show up for and support this ministry!) >>Use this form to vote.<<

AllianceQ Members, we are called to Affirmation, Love, and Liberation for ALL. As a current member with the Alliance, you are invited to participate in the Fall 2023 Council Election. The Council is a leadership team of 8-12 members, and the Nominations Team spent much time in prayer, dialogue, and discernment to present candidates for leadership. With confidence in her unique perspective and gifts for this ministry, the Nominations Team presents Leticia Leon as a nominee for the AllianceQ Council. 

Our movement is transforming in amazing ways. Last month, the Council issued a letter calling on our members to adopt a resolution to amend our Design and Covenant to better reflect our our vision, mission, organizational priorities. Our Moderator, the Rev. Luther Young, Jr., wrote:

“AllianceQ is learning and growing. One of my primary considerations as Moderator is that we do not just grow wide, but that we also grow deep. That is, I want AllianceQ to have a strong organizational foundation to support our ever-expanding work. We are no longer a small group of people meeting in secret, sometimes under assumed names. We are a fierce movement with hundreds of members, congregations, and affiliated organizations that are proudly and radically transforming our Church.”

The current Council presents this resolution to amend the Design and Covenant of the Alliance. 

On this page, you will find a bio and greeting from the nominee, a note about our appointee, the proposed resolution, and a link to the electronic voting ballot. Please vote by October 13. If you are part of a couples’ membership, please submit your votes on a single ballot. We encourage you to read about the nominees and celebrate with us how the Spirit is at work through our current Council and our prospective leaders.

Meet our Nominee: Leticia Leon (she/her)

My name is Leticia V. Leon, I am a Latina woman.  I was born in the Valley of South Texas and moved to Garland when I was 3 years old. I moved to Georgia when I was 30 and lived there for 6 years then moved to Florida for 16 years and back to Texas 8 years ago to take care of my mother. I am a member of First Christian Church Plano where I serve as Chair of our Outreach Committee and Chair of Safety and Security. I recently became a Youth Sunday School Teacher and Youth Sponsor.  I have served as Deacon for the past four years and enjoy serving our congregation and community.  I have worked on projects for long term care facilities such as putting together a Virtual Talent Show for the Juliette Fowler Communities Memory Care facility during COVID and providing Senior Christmas Stocking for some beautiful people at Garnette Hill Long Term Care Facility.  I have also served as leader of a team that collected food, clothing and house goods for City House which is an organization that helps our young teens experiencing homelessness. I also support Twelve 12 Ministries, an organization that supports women with infertility and pregnancy.   

Two years ago, my one and only child came to me and told me that she is queer, when I asked what that meant she said, “that she simply loved who she loved regardless of if it is male or female.”  She was scared to tell me this; though she knew that I was open and loving to all people, she was not sure how I would react to her coming out.  This prompted me to learn more about the LGBTQIA+ community.  The Lord brought my dear friend Jeff into my life 2 years prior to my daughter coming out which prepared me for this time in my life.  Jeff and my daughter Lidia have taught me that I do not have to understand “why” people are who they are. I just need to respect who they are. This has led me to a place where I questioned my old theological beliefs and have come to a place where I want to serve all our siblings in Christ and share the love of God with those who have been oppressed by Christians for far too long.  This is the reason for my interest in serving on the AllianceQ Council. I believe that AllianceQ can afford me the opportunity to learn, grow and love all people beyond measure.

Meet our appointee: Ari Douglas (they/them)

We are excited to introduce Ari Douglas, who has been appointed to the Council for a 2-year term. In the fall of 2025, Ari will be eligible for election to a subsequent 4-year term.

Rev. Ari Douglas (they/them), who is openly nonbinary-agender and bisexual (their gender and others), is the pastor of Portsmouth Union Church in Portland Oregon, a union of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Methodist Church. Ari is a M.Div. graduate of Phillips Theological Seminary and is attending Phillips for their D.Min. focused on teaching clergy and laity how to be public theologians (activists). They are the primary author of resolution GA 2352, movement organizer in the Poor People’s Campaign, and has been the chaplain for a transgender and nonbinary support group. Ari is a tabletop gaming geek and loves all things Scottish. They father an eleven-year-old autistic child, and step-fur-parent two cats. 

Ari says: I am looking forward to AllianceQ leading the charge in churches becoming safe spaces for our LGBTQIA+ family, particularly for transgender and gender diverse people. There is so much work that we need to do to organize and equip our communities to face the rise of transphobic and homophobic rhetoric and policy but together we can do this. It will require our being dedicated, organized, and rejuvenated to do this work and be consistent and persistent but AllianceQ can lead the way.

About the Resolution to Amend the Design and Covenant of the Alliance

You may read the full text of the resolution here

You may read Moderator Luther Young’s letter to AllianceQ members here

You may read the current Design and Covenant of the Alliance here
