Creating Change
Creating Change is the annual organizing and skills-building event for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and their allies run by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Mark Johnston, Executive Director of GLAD’s Open & Affirming Ministry Program, will be attending. Stay tuned for GLAD O&A Events planned for local congregations.
Creating Change attracts more than 3,500 people from all over the country every year. Presenters and participants come from all walks of life and include members of the business community, elected officials, students, faith leaders and staff and volunteers of non-profit organizations.
The five-day program features over 350 workshops and training sessions, four plenary sessions, and tons of networking opportunities, and really fun events, all in the welcoming space of the Hilton of the Americas–Houston.
Click here for more information about Creating Change.
If you plan on attending, email Mark Johnston and let him know.