Building an Inclusive Church Trainings
If you’re congregation is considering moving towards becoming Open & Affirming, it’s time to attend a Building an Inclusive Church Training.
Currently, there are trainings coming up in Virginia, Kansas, Texas, and New York. Details are listed under the Happenings tab on GLAD’s website, and more will be posted when they are scheduled.
Building an Inclusive Church Trainings are provided by the Institute for Welcoming Resources. These trainings provide an in-depth look at the Building an Inclusive Church Toolkit.
Drawing upon thirty years of experience within a variety of Christian denominations, this toolkit is a step-by-step guide to help facilitate an Open & Affirming process in your local congregation. Biblically and theologically based, it uses tools of relational organizing, congregational assessment, conflict management and change theory. The outlined process emphasizes approaching the process from a place of graceful engagement, understanding the congregation and its unique needs and frame, and building relationship.
Click here for more information about becoming an Open & Affirming Congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).