
Ashes Alive: Lenten devotionals written by LGBTQI+ Christians and their friends

Ashes Alive: Lenten devotionals written by LGBTQI+ Christians and their friends

Ashes Alive: Lent 2023 is the fifth in an ongoing devotional series written by LGBTQI+ Christians and their friends from all over the world, from a variety of religious and spiritual traditions, expressions, and points of view.

AllianceQ Executive Director + Minister Rev. Melissa Guthrie writes about being a highly sensitive person and says she is a crier.

“In this text [John 20:11-20] and in this season I am struck by the sense and splendor of sight: Mary’s eyes, the eyes of the disciples, our eyes. And Mary’s tears. I imagine Mary continued crying when she *saw* her Teacher. Tears that release grief. Tears that rejoice in newness.”