
Virtual Pulpit Supply continues (and expands) in ’22

Virtual Pulpit Supply continues (and expands) in '22

With 450 downloads by 189 different ministries, Virtual Pulpit Supply will continue in 2022!


Request VPS materials for the First Sunday of Christmas, December 26, from our Executive Director + Minister Rev. Melissa Guthrie.

VPS is more than a sermon. 2022 VPS materials will include conversation starters + calls to action. While many congregations have resumed in-person worship, our recorded messages provide a package for use in a range of contexts. Conversation starters + calls to action will provide all you need for group or personal study. Integrate VPS in your faith formation and spiritual practice. Watch for the roster of 2022 preachers.

And this:

If you are interested in being considered as a featured preacher, complete this VPS interest and referral form. Do you want to recommend someone? Complete the same form. We look forward to discerning potential collaboration as we call the Church to justice and inclusivity.