Open & Affirming Ministry Program Presented at College of Regional Ministers
The College of Regional Ministers, meeting in San Diego this past December, spent over an hour hearing from Rev. Mark Johnston, Ph.D., Executive Director of GLAD’s Open & Affirming Ministry Program. Dr. Johnston shared with the Regional Ministers of the Christian Church his thoughts on the importance of Open & Affirming Ministry to the mission and identity of the Christian church; introduced the Regional Ministers to the tools and processes that the O&A Ministry Program shares with congregations; and discussed with the College how they can partner with and support GLAD’s Open & Affirming Ministry Program.
The Regional Ministers responded with support, expressing a desire to assist the Open & Affirming Ministry Program identifying churches that are ready to learn more about the O&A Ministry Program, and asking Dr. Johnston to work with them when approaching congregations that are not yet welcoming LGBT persons.
Overall, Dr. Johnston reports that the meeting went very well, with the Regional Ministers offering assistance and partnership in the work of Open & Affirming Ministry, the work to build a church where all are welcome at the table.