
Need Accomodations for the National Pride March, June 11?

Need Accomodations for the National Pride March, June 11?

News has it that a National Pride March has been scheduled for June 11 in Washington DC. Coinciding with Capital Pride, D.C.’s annual pride celebration, and organizers hope to draw big numbers to send a clear message to Washington that LGBTQ rights are not to be threatened.

If you’re thinking about going, but don’t know if you can afford it, National City Christian Church has a welcome for you!

Accommodations aren’t luxurious – bring your own sleeping bag, sleep on the floor, share six showers with 100 others – but the price is right: $20 per person per night. Also, space is being offered to groups (at least 5 or more), not individuals (The church doesn’t have the capacity to organize on an individual level).

Please, don’t call National City Christian Church directly to ask about this offer. Contact Mark Johnston at for more information.

So if you and a group of members from your church or your town need a place to crash as we let our government know that LGBTQ rights are not to be threatened, let us know!