
Delhaven Christian Church Plans Transgender Day of Remembrance

Delhaven Christian Church Plans Transgender Day of Remembrance

Pastor Maria Tafoya at Delhaven Christian Church, an Open & Affirming congregation in La Puente, CA, has shared with us their plans for a Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 17.

She shares with us this information:

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2013Every day transgender persons die violently because of who they are. Every year the transgender community and allies gather to honor and remember those who have died and to look forward to a future where all may live openly and without fear.

This year’s event features speakers from the Veterans Administration who work with veterans in transition.

Please join us as we listen, learn and remember.

Delhaven Christian Church
15302 Francisquito Avenue, La Puente, CA 91744

November 17, 2013
1:30 pm

For information contact 626.917.2380 or