
Brite Divinity School Exhibit at Creating Change

Brite Divinity School Exhibit at Creating Change

Brite Divinity School, the first seminary on GLAD’s list of Open & Affirming Ministries, exhibited this past January at Creating Change. Creating Change is the national conference on LGBT equality sponsored by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

Quinn Garcia, Recruiting Officer at Brite, shared with us this reflection of his experience staffing the Brite booth at Creating Change:

Quinn Garcia, Recruiting Officer at Brite Divinity School, staffing the Brite exhibit at Creating Change
Quinn Garcia, Recruiting Officer at Brite Divinity School, staffing the Brite exhibit at Creating Change

As a divinity school, Brite was warmly welcomed at Creating Change. The conference provided a spectacular space to share in rich conversations with individuals considering graduate theological education. It also offered Brite a wonderful opportunity to engage a very diverse community and offer a more hopeful and justice oriented presence to many individuals who have not always had positive encounters with the church and Christianity.

Personally, I enjoyed listening to bits and pieces of so many stories and experiencing the connectedness of all persons that the conference evoked. If I recall correctly, I saw a few people wearing t-shirts with the phrase “we are they and they are us” printed on the front. The phrase speaks quite appropriately of a conference atmosphere that transcended the idea of “other” and fostered a community of neighbors connected by common humanity.