Because everybody counts
Because everybody counts, we urge you to complete the 2020 census and vote. Encourage and assist friends and family so that everybody completes the census and votes.
Fill out the census here at Our General Minister and President emphasizes that “filling out the census and voting are two ways you can show up and speak up for your community.” Disciples are helping in many ways and you can learn more!
TURNOUT Sunday Resources include a voters toolkit and a supplemental “vote from home” toolkit.
Already completed the census? Prepared to vote?
This ADVOCACY TOOLKIT is presented by Disciples Justice Advocacy includes activities like public education, relationship-building with policy makers, civic engagement, voter registration, and media outreach. Advocacy can lead to systemic, lasting, positive changes that help all people thrive in their communities. It is critical that we build bipartisan support by working with policy makers from both parties.
Alliance members and friends, you believe everybody counts. Thank you for speaking up and turning out–virtually or in-person. May we live out our faith and join with the voices of prophets and Jesus to proclaim love for the marginalized.
Please read “The Power of Advocacy” from your Disciples Justice Ministries.