National Suicide Prevention Week, The Trevor Project, and what 988 means for LGBTQ young people
45% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year, including more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth. [1]
While September 4 – 10 marks National Suicide Prevention Week, AllianceQ wants to highlight the work of The Trevor Project which provides 24/7 crisis support services to LGBTQ young people. We can text, chat, or call anytime to reach a trained counselor.
“After years of planning, advocating and communicating, 988, the new three-digit code for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, went live [on July 16]. As of today, people across the country can dial 9-8-8 if they are experiencing a mental or behavioral health emergency and connect to the help they need. The launch of the 988 lifeline is a watershed moment for transforming the U.S.’ crisis care system and provides the opportunity for safe, accessible, equitable care — supported by local mobile crisis teams…”
“When the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act was signed into law by former President Trump in October 2020, formally codifying 988, it was the first bill to pass unanimously through Congress that included the words ‘LGBTQ.’ With leadership of and support by The Trevor Project, the law specifically referenced specialized services for LGBTQ youth, a group consistently found to be at higher risk for suicide compared to their peers.”
Read “What 988 means for LGBTQ young people” here.
Originally published in April 2021, we lift up Rev. Dr. Caitlin Simpson’s sermon, “Embracing Our Imperfect Worth,” that speaks to the themes of mental health, worthiness, healing and courage. At this link, you’ll find Caitlin’s sermon along with LGBTQ+ resources for conversations about suicide and mental health. We include resources from the National Benevolent Association.
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[1] The Trevor Project “2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health,”