I came into this world, as we all do, on a journey of discovery. I did not know it then, but it would be the discovery of self, of life and all that it means to be human. I discovered I was loved and wanted and could expect my needs to be met by my parents. As time moved on I had all the realizations about myself that most of us experience. The discovery of joy and sadness and that I was separate from the world but a part of it. I stayed busy, as we do, putting together the millions of bits of the puzzle to create a life, My Life. I discovered that I loved The Church and had passion for God and what it meant to be like Jesus. The Church was the center of my community, the place I received support and guidance. I came to define myself as acceptable to God and a good person. Life moved on and I painfully discovered I was Gay. In short, the Church gave me up and let me go. In turn, I gave up on the Church. I was now defined by the Church as unacceptable. I was devastated.
A few years came and went and I moved on with life, the Church had left me damaged and angry but I missed being a part of a community of faith. I was politically active and belonged to the Dallas Gay Alliance, a political organization that was attempting to change the injustice with which Gay and Lesbian persons were being treated. It was 1977. Midway Hills Christian Church called our organization asking for education and dialog. Their intent was to be educated about issues and regarding Gays and Lesbians and how the church should respond. We were excited and pleased and met with them for a series of 6 Sunday nights. Several of us told our stories and answered questions, and did presentations. There was useful dialog and a real sense that this group of Christians had interest in understanding the injustice that was being heaped upon us. Specifically they were interested in how we were being treated by the Church. They struggled at times and asked difficult questions. Those of us from the DGA were overwhelmed with the thought that these Christians would care enough to ask the questions that would provide a since of understanding of what we were experiencing at that time. It seemed that Justice and Inclusion was at the foundation at their belief system. For me personally, healing began as many in that congregation expressed support and understanding.
From this series of meetings, Midway Hills Christian Church continued on a journey toward understanding and living in the belief that we are all children of God and welcomed everyone including people who are GLBT. Eventually this church formulated a formal statement and became an “Open & Affirming Congregation”. What this meant for me personally was enormous. There was an invitation to be a part of this community of faith. I was brought in from outside the gates into the full life of Midway Hills Christian Church. For me there came healing, enormous healing of my hurt and anger. The thing about being wounded, is that you offer so little because you are often busy caring for your own wounds. MHCC was a healing source. What a courageous and wonderful Christian thing to do for me. I am thankful that God brought me to You and that You prepared Yourself for me and that I reside fully among you. Thank you Midway Hills Christian Church.