
Why Should I Attend the Informal Dinner Gathering for LGBTQ Clergy and Seminarians?

Why Should I Attend the Informal Dinner Gathering for LGBTQ Clergy and Seminarians?

GLAD is trying something new at General Assembly this year. At the suggestion of Mark Johnston, Executive Director of GLAD’s Open & Affirming Ministry Program, an Informal Dinner Gathering for LGBTQ Clergy and Seminarians has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 11, at the General Assembly in Indianapolis.

Why? Mark explains: “As I’ve been traveling around the country, meeting LGBT clergy, seminarians, and others serving our church, I’ve become aware that many of us don’t know each other, many of us still live in places where being out and open is a threat to our career, and many of us need support. I hope that this dinner will gather clergy and seminarians on both sides of those closet walls and in-between: those who need connection and those who can offer connection.”

We call upon those who can offer supportive connections to attend and we hope that all those seeking more supportive LGBTQ clergy connections will attend. This will be a wonderful time to relax and connect.

So, if you’re LGBTQ clergy or seminarian, join us for dinner on Tuesday July 11. Find more information on our Calendar and send an email to Mark at to RSVP.