
Welcome to Ministry Intern Alysha Laperche!

Welcome to Ministry Intern Alysha Laperche!

Alysha Laperche (they/them/theirs)

Greetings, all! I am honored and excited to be serving with AllianceQ as an intern this semester (January-May 2020). I am a current student at Phillips Theological Seminary, where I am pursuing my Master of Divinity (MDiv). I am also a coffee enthusiast, sunset-lover, and aspiring author. I grew up in the Tampa area of Florida and was first introduced to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in late elementary school when my family attended Brandon Christian Church. A few years later, my parents accepted a pastoral call from a Cumberland Presbyterian church. It was through my engagement with that congregation that I discerned my call to ministry at a young age. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Social Work, and through those studies, I was introduced to progressive values which led me to an affirming seminary community where I re-connected with the Disciples. My ordination process is with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of the Northern California-Nevada Region, and my sponsoring congregation is Lafayette Christian Church. Through partnerships with organizations and ministries like the Disciples AllianceQ, I am excited to continue following my call to embody the inclusive love of God revealed in Jesus Christ; particularly through working to actualize the vision of setting a place at the table in faith communities for people of all gender identities and sexual orientations.


AllianceQ is excited and honored to welcome Alysha as its inaugural Ministry Intern. Read “Imagining the Possibilities: A Story of Welcome” by Alysha.