
Stones, flower petals and (trusting in) new life: Virtual Pulpit Supply from Executive Director + Minister

Stones, flower petals and (trusting in) new life: Virtual Pulpit Supply from Executive Director + Minister

“Do not doubt but believe.” John 20:27b

Belief as trust. Trusting that the stone will be rolled away to reveal something beyond our expectations. Trusting that flower petals will bloom from barren places. Trusting relationships. These themes will be explored in the Virtual Pulpit Supply materials from Executive Director + Minister Rev. Melissa Guthrie available for download April 24. Rev. Guthrie preaches on John 20:19-31.

Bringing conversation starters + calls to action to help you engage and embody the word, you are encouraged to request downloads for personal or group use. Individual spiritual practices or communal worship. The April 24 VPS materials truly call us to embody our beliefs: Rev. Guthrie urges hearers to find and have a stone and flower petal to use alongside the message. She also revisits the Easter story “in color.” Request these downloads and others now.

How does Virtual Pulpit Supply work?

VPS is offered once a month for the lectionary text assigned to the fourth Sunday. To sign up for the April materials or any previous materials, fill out this VPS request form.

By 5 p.m. ET on the Monday before the assigned date, you will receive an email with a link to download a video containing the scripture reading, sermon, sending forth, and conversation starters. If you request previous months’ materials, your downloads will be sent within 2-3 business days. While drawing from the lectionary texts, you are welcome and encouraged to download VPS materials at another time in the month if it works better for your ministry.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost to download the VPS materials. However, to sustain this ministry, we ask that you consider making a donation to AllianceQ. You can support the Virtual Pulpit Supply project and donate here.

You may also mail a check to: Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance, P.O. Box 44400, Indianapolis, IN 46244 with the memo “VPS.”

Full details on VPS, 2021-2022 preachers and themes

Virtual Pulpit Supply