
Recognitions + Awards: Submit your nominations!

Recognitions + Awards: Submit your nominations!

AllianceQ – the Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance is seeking nominations for five awards + recognitions that honor individuals and/or groups who embody the mission and ministry of the Alliance. Traditionally presented at a General Assembly banquet, the Council may at any time grant recognitions to persons and organizations that have made significant contribu­tions to the Alliance and its mission.

Nominees must be submitted by July 7. A select pool of nominees identified by the Council will be informed of their nomination and award winners will be announced at General Assembly. While highly encouraged, nominees are not required to be in attendance at GA.

Awards will be presented at the Saturday, July 29, dinner banquet at the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Louisville, KY, and subsequently announced through news and social media channels.

Help us honor individuals and groups building a more just and inclusive church and world!

Each award has its own link to a nominee submission form.

“We are Called” Award: The Carol Blakley Recognition

This recognition is named for the late Carol Blakley of Caldwell, Idaho, a Disciple mother of a gay son, who broke silence at the 1977 Kansas City General Assembly, and called on all Disciples to name the reality that LGBTQ+ and affirming persons are our sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, parents, congregants, pastors and staff. Mrs. Blakley was the first recipient of this Recognition, which was given at the Alliance After Session during the 1989 Indianapolis General Assembly. This recognition shall be given to a member of AllianceQ who has contributed significantly to the call on Disciples to name the reality which Mrs. Blakley dared to name, to the other purposes of the Alliance and to the growth and development of the Alliance within the general manifestation of the church. This recognition honors the embodiment of these guiding values: accountability + transparency.

>>> Make a Nomination for the “We are Called” Award” The Carol Blakley Recognition <<<

“We are a Movement” Award: The Rev. O.D. Johnson Recognition

This recognition is named for the late Rev. O. D. Johnson of Kansas City, Missouri, a retired Disciple clergyperson who came out of the closet upon retirement and founded GLAD-Kansas City in 1987, as the first Alliance Chapter. Rev. Johnson was the first recipient of this recognition which was given during the 1990 Kansas City Event. This recognition shall be given to individuals or groups who contribute significantly to the development and growth of an Alliance team or to the visible presence of the Alliance within the regional manifestation of the church. This recognition honors the embodiment of these guiding values: connectedness + relationship.

>>> Make a Nomination for the “We are a Movement” Award: The Rev. O.D. Johnson Recognition <<<

“Journey” Award: The Peevey/Harris Recognition

This recognition is named for Rev. Debra Peevey of Surprise, Arizona, and Rev. Allen Harris, Regional Pastor & President at Christian Church in Ohio. Rev. Peevey, then pastor of Findlay Street Christian Church in Seattle, came out as a lesbian to her congregation and subsequently led them through the process of be­coming Open + Affirming in 1988. She was the first recipient of this recognition, which was given at the 1991 Tulsa Event prior to the Tulsa General Assembly. Rev. Harris, then co-pastor of Park Avenue Christian Church in New York, was called to that congregation and ordained as an openly gay clergyperson and subsequently helped lead them to becoming Open + Affirming in 1992. Rev. Harris was the second recipient of this recognition, which was given at the 1992 Fort Worth Event. Rev. Peevey and Rev. Harris were original members of the former Coor­dinating Committee of the Alliance. This recognition shall be given to individuals and groups who contribute sig­nificantly to leading their congregations or ministries to become Open + Affirming or who contribute significantly to the visible presence of the Alliance within the congregational manifestation of the church. This recognition honors the embodiment of these guiding values: love + grace.

>>> Make a Nomination for the “Journey” Award”: The Peevey/Harris Recognition <<<

“Welcome + Witness” Award: The Rev. Michael Schloff Recognition

This recognition is named for the late Rev. Michael Schloff of Boston, Massachusetts, for the purpose of recognizing him posthumously. Rev. Schloff, an openly gay Disciples clergyperson, died of AIDS-related pneumonia in the fall of 1988. At the time of his death, he was an original member of the former Alliance Coordinating Committee. He is credited with furthering the formation of the Alliance through his efforts during the 1985 Des Moines General Assembly. Michael was best known in the Boston area as a powerful advocate for the homeless and disenfranchised and for his work on the staff of the gay and lesbian counseling center. This recognition shall be given to individuals or groups who demonstrate the powerful Christian commitment to LGBTQ+ and affirming Christians and to all persons within and beyond the church. This recognition honors the embodiment of these guiding values: belonging + affirmation.

>>> Make a Nomination for the “Welcome + Witness” Award: The Rev. Michael Schloff Recognition <<<

“Light Bearer + Table Turner” Award: Ally, Accomplice, Activist Recognition

This recognition honors individuals who work to support LGBTQ+ people and issues in and beyond the institutional church, shining light on discrimination, sparking hope, turning tables of injustice, and igniting change. We are claiming God’s call through Jesus for all to have life and have it to the full. (John 10:10) This recognition shall be given to an individual or individuals who are actively transforming the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and building a more just and inclusive world. This recognition honors the embodiment of these guiding values: justice + liberation.

>>> Make a Nomination for the “Light Bearer + Table Turner” Award <<<