
Putting the Open in O&A: Letting Your Neighbors Know How to Find You

Putting the Open in O&A: Letting Your Neighbors Know How to Find You

Did you know that among the Millenial generation (ages 18 to 33), nearly one-third of those who no longer identify with their childhood religion say that negative teachings about, or treatment of, gay and lesbian people was an important factor in their disaffiliation from religion?

Among Millenials, nearly 7-in-10 favor same-sex marriage, and among African American Millennials, nearly 6-in-10 say gay and lesbian people should be allowed to marry legally.

These statistics, and many others found here, tell us that young people are not going to be interested in our churches unless our churches welcome LGBT people.

Often, the visible face of the church in the mass media and public square is not welcoming. Our neighbors won’t know that our welcome is different unless we openly make that clear. This is the importance of putting the Open in Open & Affirming – being clear about your Open & Affirming commitment is a vital tool for evangelism!

How to let your neighbors know that your welcome is different? Here are a couple of ideas:

  • Know that visible, face to face presence is the most respected and effective way to let others know that your welcome is different. Participate in local LGBT activities, march in a Pride parade, and set up a booth at a Pride festival. (See what other Disciples congregations have done recently.)
  • Be sure your website makes your O&A commitment clear. Use the logos provided by GLAD on your website and your printed materials. These logos can be downloaded here.
  • Download the brochure A Church That Welcomes Everyone. Give it to visitors and new members, display it in your narthex and distribute it when you have a booth at a Pride festival or a community event.
  • Use the web resources that are available to you. Disciples O&A congregations are listed here by GLAD and here by The Institute for Welcoming Resources. Make sure your listing is accurate. If not, contact Mark Johnston to correct it.
  • Create a profile for your church at sites like At you can indicate your welcome of LGBT people as one of the search attributes for your church.
  • To publicize your church at other websites, Google “lgbt welcoming churches [your town]” and similar Google searches. See what sites come up and then go to those sites and create a profile for your church there. Emphasize your Open & Affirming commitment.

There is a hunger for churches that welcome. Both LGBT people and others seek out the vibrant spirit of an Open & Affirming Congregation. Make sure they can find yours.