
Proud in Seattle

Proud in Seattle

Kara Markell, pastor of Lake Washington Christian Church, sent along this note and this picture about the goings on in Seattle.

What has your congregation been up to? Let us know at so we can share your open welcome of all!

Nine Seattle area Open and Affirming congregations banded together for the second year in a row to sponsor a booth at Seattle Pride Fest, June 28, 2015. Lots of volunteers from the churches had the opportunity not only to work together, but to be a loving presence at the day-long festival. We met several hundred folks at throughout the day and were able to extend a table of grace to all. Participating Churches were All Pilgrims CC, Everett CC, Lake City CC, Lake Washington CC, Northwest CC, Open Gathering CC, Queen Anne CC, United CC, and Welcome Table CC.

Celebrating Pride and Affirmation in Seattle
Celebrating Pride and Affirmation in Seattle