In the season of Epiphany, we celebrate an important gift: God showing up. As queer and affirming people of faith, we know that one of the most powerful presents we can ever receive is the presence of another — someone to journey alongside us and remind us that we are not alone. During AllianceQ’s 12 Days of Christmas, we are showing up for and manifesting justice + liberation, belonging + affirmation, connectedness + relationship, love + grace, accountability + transparency, leadership, and healing.
Beginning December 25, we invite individuals and ministries to join us in giving and receiving these gifts in our community. On each of the 12 days of Christmas, we will share a reflection on our social media pages about one of the 12 gifts mentioned above and encourage our members, ministries, and friends to share a gift in response. Your gift may look like engaging with our posts in the comments, making a financial contribution to AllianceQ, or sharing AllianceQ’s 12 Days of Christmas campaign with others.
Our goal is to receive at least one gift from an individual or ministry on the first day of Christmas, two gifts on the second day, and so on. Together, we can manifest the kindom of God, peace on earth, and goodwill to humankind.
Donate to AllianceQ’s 12 Days of Christmas campaign!
Monday, December 25, 2023, The 1st Day of Christmas: Justice
“If one really wishes to know how justice is administered in a country, one does not question the policemen, the lawyers, the judges, or the protected members of the middle class. One goes to the unprotected—those, precisely, who need the law’s protection most!—and listens to their testimony.” – James Baldwin, No Name on the Street
On the first day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #justice. Justice is a cornerstone of Christian faith. It demands that all of God’s children are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of background or circumstance. Part of the work of justice involves sharing our stories and holding the stories of others. When we seek to understand others, we build the kindom of God.
Today, we are asking at least ONE person or ministry to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by sharing a personal story about justice in the comments below, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. Together, we can a world where justice is not just a concept but a lived reality.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023, The 2nd Day of Christmas: Liberation
“No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us.” — Marsha P. Johnson
On the second day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #liberation. Our vision for our Church and our world is “Affirmation, Love, Liberation for ALL.” Liberation is about breaking free from the shackles that limit us, empowering individuals to live authentically. Jesus came so that humanity could be free, and we follow his example by not settling for bondage in any form.
Today, we are asking at least TWO people or ministries to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by sharing in the comments below how you are working for liberation, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. Join is in remembering and joining in Christ’s mission.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023, The 3rd Day of Christmas: Belonging
“Every person felt like they didn’t belong, or at some point felt like they didn’t need to carry on, they weren’t needed. So I think it’s important to show each other, “Look, we’re all in this together, we all feel this way, let’s work together.” — Cole Ledford
On the third day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #belonging. Belonging is more than a place; it’s a feeling of being accepted and valued. AllianceQ aims to create spaces where everyone feels they truly belong. We are grateful to be in community with you and look forward to expanding our family.
Today, we are asking at least THREE people or ministries to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by sharing in the comments below where you feel most at home, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. Help us to remind others that they always have a place in the family of God.
Thursday, December 28, 2023, The 4th Day of Christmas: Affirmation
“Who you are authentically is alright. The shame is what kills you. Believing you are unworthy of love and belonging — that who you are authentically is a sin or is wrong — is deadly. Who you are is beautiful and amazing.” — Laverne Cox
On the fourth day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #affirmation. So many of us have been told that our existence is wrong or we are undeserving of love. We reject such claims and fully affirm that you are a gift from God. Join us in celebrating the worth and dignity of every individual.
Today, we are asking at least FOUR people or ministries to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by sharing affirmations in the comments below, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. You are a gift, and we are grateful for you.
Friday, December 29, 2023, The 5th Day of Christmas: Connectedness
“We are all one — and if we don’t know it, we will learn it the hard way.” — Bayard Rustin
On the fifth day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #connectedness. Though we celebrate the beauty and vast diversity of creation, we are all connected. Unfortunately, life’s circumstances and social ills can sometimes make us feel isolated. We encourage you to nurture meaningful connections with one another, nature, and the Divine during this season. When we remember the ties that bind us we foster understanding and unity.
Today, we are asking at least FIVE people or ministries to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by sharing in the comments below about meaningful connections you have, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. You are not alone. We are here with you.
Make a contribution at
Saturday, December 30, 2023, The 6th Day of Christmas: Relationship
“I am a firm believer that you don’t achieve greatness on your own. There is always someone there to lend a hand.” — Greg Louganis
On the sixth day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #relationship. Jesus’s birth illustrates one of the greatest aspects of our faith: God’s desire to be in close relationship with humanity. We are relational creations. We need each other in order to survive. Relationships can be challenging and messy at times, but they are also magical and life-giving.
Today, we are asking at least SIX people or ministries to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by sharing in the comments below about a relationship that is significant to you, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. We value our relationship with you and appreciate your continued support.
Make a contribution at
Sunday, December 31, 2023, The 7th Day of Christmas: Love
“That nothing here is promised, not one day. And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside. Now fill the world with music, love and pride.” — Lin-Manuel Miranda
On the seventh day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #love. Jesus teaches that love is the greatest gift of all. It is a powerful force that transcends boundaries and unites us. In the midst of widespread injustice and suffering, we must remember that, ultimately, love conquers all. As we sit on the precipice of a new year, let us paint the world with hope, joy, peace, and love.
Today, we are asking at least SEVEN people or ministries to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by spreading love in the comments below, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. #LoveWins every time.
Make a contribution at
Monday, January 1, 2024, The 8th Day of Christmas: Grace
“We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference, and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity.” — George Takei
On the eighth day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #grace. The Scriptures remind us that God’s grace is sufficient, that we don’t have to be perfect because God is big enough to hold our imperfections. It can be difficult to extend grace when we are wronged or see suffering in the world. However, grace is the gentle touch that allows us to navigate challenges with compassion.
Today, we are asking at least EIGHT people or ministries to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by sharing in the comments below about God’s grace manifested in your life, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. Let us offer grace to those we meet just as God has extended grace to us.
Make a contribution at
Tuesday, January 2, 2024, The 9th Day of Christmas: Accountability
“It’s about finding your values, and committing to them. It’s about finding your North Star. It’s about making choices. Some are easy. Some are hard. And some will make you question everything.” — Tim Cook
On the ninth day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #accountability. Accountability is the cornerstone of trust and integrity. AllianceQ works to hold our Church accountable to its identity as “a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.” Similarly, AllianceQ’s mission, values, and organizational priorities help hold us accountable as we strive toward our vision of Affirmation, Love, and Liberation for ALL.
Today, we are asking at least NINE people or ministries to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by sharing in the comments below about why you feel accountability is crucial to ministry, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. Your support contributes to building a foundation of trust and responsibility.
Make a contribution at
Wednesday, January 3, 2024, The 10th Day of Christmas: Transparency
“The richness, beauty and depths of love can only be fully experienced in a climate of complete openness, honesty and vulnerability.” – Anthony Venn Brown
On the tenth day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #transparency. Indeed, authentic and meaningful relationships only thrive when there is mutual honesty and openness. Epiphany celebrates that God revealed God’s self to humanity and unveiled a plan to save the world from sin and suffering. AllianceQ embraces a spirit of transparency in our decision-making, programming, and initiatives. We believe that openness is how we remain faithful to God and one another.
Today, we are asking at least TEN people or ministries to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by sharing a personal moment of transparency in the comments below, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. Oppressive thrives in the shadows; transparency is a tool of liberation.
Make a contribution at
Thursday, January 4, 2024, The 11th Day of Christmas: Leadership
“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” — Angela Davis
On the eleventh day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #leadership. Leadership is not just about authority; it’s about inspiring positive change. Jesus came to us as a lowly child of ordinary parents to demonstrate that leadership requires humility and that anyone can be a leader. AllianceQ endeavors to equip leaders in our churches and communities that oppose injustice and promote radical inclusion.
Today, we are asking at least ELEVEN people or ministries to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by sharing in the comments below the hallmarks of good leadership, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. Thank you for your continued leadership.
Make a contribution at
Friday, January 5, 2024, The 12th Day of Christmas: Healing
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” — Audre Lorde
On the twelfth day of Christmas, AllianceQ is manifesting #healing. Life is filled with joys and sorrows, celebrations and hurt. Healing is a journey of restoration and renewal, and its path is not always linear. Furthermore, it is not a journey you have to take alone. A priority of AllianceQ is to create spaces that inspire hope and facilitate healing.
Today, we are asking at least TWELVE people or ministries to support #AllianceQ12DaysOfChristmas by sharing about their healing journey in the comments below, making a contribution to our #AllianceQEpiphany fundraiser, and/or sharing this post with others. Let us continue to pray for healing in our own lives and in the world.
Make a contribution at
Saturday, January 6, 2024, Epiphany Day
A reflection on queering Epiphany from Eli Burton.
I especially identify with the season of Epiphany. My discovery of identity was a journey that culminated in my self-acceptance as a transman. I spent time reflecting and learning before realizing my “ah-ha” moment.
Many queer Christians can identify with Epiphany. Some of us had a sudden revelation or a season of insights when it came to living as our whole and holy selves. As we continue to live into the grace and love that God gives us, we find more reasons to celebrate the beauty and diversity of God’s people and tell others our stories and God’s love story. We continue to experience epiphanies as we look at the Bible and church history from an LGBTQ lens.
Some see themselves in the story of Joseph and his beautiful rainbow coat, while others find themselves in the story of the Eunuch. These stories, and many more in the bible, reflect the lived realities of LGBTQ people; we can hold these as proof of God’s love and grace for ALL.
In the Christian tradition, Epiphany is celebrated on January 6 as a day to remember when the message of Christ was brought to the Gentiles by way of the magi.
Epiphany as a word has a few definitions, many relating to this time in the church and the coming of Christ. However, its base definition is best summarized as “a sudden revelation.”
Starting December 25 and through the 12 days of Christmas (epiphany season), we shared a concept, idea, or ideal that drives our organization to do the work that gives space for Queer people everywhere to continue to thrive and live into their epiphany moments. Thank you for engaging with us, and please continue to share your stories, thoughts, and monetary gifts that will help AllianceQ continue to bring the message of the Magi with it – that Jesus is for ALL people.