
Day 24: Singing Our Faith: Hymns That Strengthen the Marriage Bond

My answer to the question of why churches should care about marriage equality comes in the form of hymn lyrics because of my deep belief that the words we sing in worship matter. Words sung and spoken in worship carry great power to contribute to the Good News of peace and justice or to support unjust systems. Words we use in worship carry so much power because of the sacred value given to them. Words we sing in worship have the greatest power to shape our beliefs and actions because the music embeds the words in our memories. Words we sing in worship can help congregations and individuals in our journey toward healing from sexism, heterosexism, racism, and other injustices. I wrote these hymns to celebrate the goodness of all creation and to affirm a sexual ethic based on justice, equality, and full inclusion of all persons.

Praise the Source of All Creation
Genesis 1:1-27, 31; Proverbs 3:13-18

Praise the Source of all creation, giving life throughout the Earth,
blessing every love relation, filling all with sacred worth.
Celebrate all forms and colors, varied beauty everywhere,
streams of goodness overflowing, wondrous gifts for all to share.

Many genders, many races, all reflect Divinity;
many gifts and many graces help us be all we can be.
Partners on this path of freedom, taking down each stifling wall,
we will open doors of welcome, bringing hope and joy to all.

Long have many been excluded, judged and scorned by custom’s norms;
everyone will be included as we work to make reforms.
Let us end abuse and violence, bringing justice everywhere,
joining Holy Wisdom’s mission, helping all be free and fair.

Equal marriage, healing, freeing, nurtures body, mind and soul,
reaffirming every being, all created good and whole.
Come, rejoice and sing together, celebrating life and love;
praise the great Creative Spirit, living in us and above.

Words © 2012 Jann Aldredge-Clanton

Rejoicing, Reclaiming Our Life-Giving Call
Genesis 1:27,31

Rejoicing, reclaiming our life-giving call,
we join in proclaiming the goodness of all.
Our Maker has blessed everyone on the earth;
all image Divinity, share sacred worth.

All genders and races, we gladly affirm;
at all times and places, our welcome confirm.
To those long excluded by dogma and fear,
we open our doors so that all flourish here.

The Spirit revealing, we work for reform,
restoring and healing with love that transforms.
We celebrate joining of bodies and souls
in varied relationships, equal and whole.

Our purpose fulfilling, we labor for life,
compassion instilling to end all the strife.
We join with the Spirit to dream and to dare,
to bring loving justice and peace everywhere.

Words © 2012 Jann Aldredge-Clanton

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