Happy O&A Birthday!
Happy O&A birthday to these ministries with a September anniversary:
- Chapman University Disciples on Campus Alumni & Friends (Orange, CA) 9/3/2014
- Niles Discovery Church (Fremont, CA) 9/9/2012
- Albany First Christian Church (Albany, OR) 9/9/2013
- Eastwood Christian Church (Nashville, TN) 9/11/2013
- Brite Divinity School (Ft. Worth, TX) 9/17/2013
- The Welcome Table Christian Church (Arlington, TX) 9/17/2017
- First Christian Church of Farmville NC (Farmville, NC) 9/19/2014
- Open Table Christian Church (Murfreesboro, TN) 9/20/2016
- Christian Board of Publication – Chalice Press (St. Louis, MO) 9/26/2015
Happy BELATED Birthday to these ministries with an August anniversary; your bdays were not published in August and so we lift up your ministries now:
- Twin Pines Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (Lexington, KY) 8/1/2017
- All Peoples Christian Church (Los Angeles, CA) 8/12/2012
- The Haven Christian Church (Covina, CA) 8/15/2000
- Downey Avenue Christian Church (Indianapolis, IN) 8/17/2012
- The Blend Church Family (Lancaster, CA) 8/17/2020
- South Street Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (Springfield, MO) 8/17/2019
- Riverside Avenue Christian Church (Jacksonville, FL) 8/29/2017
We celebrate your proclamation of welcome. May you continue living into your identity as Open & Affirming.
It’s never too late to celebrate! It’s always the right time to begin or resume this work, too. If you want information about and support for the welcoming journey, contact Melissa@disciplesallianceq.org.
If our records are incorrect or if your church is not listed, please let us know.