
How You Can Support GLAD

How You Can Support GLAD

Speaking with our congregations, Mark Johnston, Executive Director of GLAD’s Open & Affirming Ministry Program, reports that the Disciples General Assembly Resolution GA-1327 “Becoming a People of Grace and Welcome to All” has sparked conversation among churches across our denomination.

Many are hungering for this conversation about welcome, grace, and justice, and GLAD’s commitment to work with our churches, embodied anew in the recent call of  Dr. Johnston, couldn’t have come at a better time.

GLAD can’t do this work alone. GLAD is you, our supporters, allies, and members. To accomplish its mission, GLAD needs your time, talent, and treasure.

If you haven’t discovered the other articles in this newsletter asking for your time and talent, do check out the call for videos for the NALT project, and do send in your O&A congregation’s church photo for the website that GLAD is working on.

Suggestion for Your Church Newsletter or Bulletin: The GLAD Alliance works to set a place at the table for persons of all gender expressions and sexual orientations in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The Alliance shepherds churches towards becoming Open & Affirming, as is our congregation, and widening the welcome of the entire Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). To join the Alliance, receive their monthly newsletter, and support this work go to

And, GLAD also needs your financial support. Here are several things you can do to help:

  • Are you a current member of GLAD? (Your membership status is listed above to the right.) If not, join GLAD today at
  • Even if you’re already a member of GLAD, consider an ongoing monthly or quarterly pledge to GLAD’s mission.
  • When is the last time you spoke with your friends at church and asked them to join or support GLAD? Do it this Sunday!
  • Is your congregation supporting GLAD from its mission and outreach budget? Speak with your pastor, a board member, or an elder about supporting GLAD through your congregation.
  • Ask your church to run a request for support in the newsletter or bulletin – see the sidebar for a suggestion.
  • Perhaps your Sunday school class, your congregation’s LGBT group, or another group in your church would like to pledge to GLAD as a group.

And when you or your church do make a pledge to GLAD, let us know at so that we can make the best use of your contribution.